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Rob Burrow Funeral information for Featherstone Lions

Rob Burrow Funeral Cortege to pass Lions Club
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1st July 2024    

Dear Members and Non-Members,    

We would like to invite you to attend Featherstone Lions ARLFC on Sunday 7th July from 12pm in commemoration of the legendary rugby league player Rob Burrow.    

As you will be aware the cortege route passes Featherstone Lions and will slow down at the Lions entrance. We are very honoured to have this opportunity to pay our respects to one of our former junior players.   

We invite all our junior players to attend and line the roadside wearing their team kits (parents to supervise and stand behind their children for safety reasons). All other guests to please stand on the opposite side of the road or further down if possible.  

There will be parking available to the club.  Once the cortege has passed you are welcome to join us back in the club house where we still have our book of condolence that you are welcome to sign.   

The Burrow family have announced that in lieu of flowers, members of the public could donate to the Leeds Hospitals Charity appeal to build the Rob Burrow Centre for MND. 

We will have a collection bucket on the bar should you wish to make a donation and we will make arrangements for the money to be donated via the family or directly to the Hospital charity.   

We hope you will be able to join us. 

Yours sincerely       
Andrew Bell and Vicky Lunt 
On behalf of the Featherstone Lions ARLFC Committee

Full Route

Below are details of the cortege route for your information: (information taken from BBC News website)    

The cortege route will travel along the A656 (Park Road) passing the Xscape leisure complex as it travels towards the M62 junction. The cars will continue along the A639 towards Pontefract, passing the racecourse, before turning onto Park Lane (B6134) near Pontefract Tanshelf Station.   

The procession will continue along Ackton Lane into Ackton, before turning left onto Sewerbridge Lane and Common Side Lane (B6133) heading towards Featherstone. At the War Horse sculpture, the cars will turn left, slowing for a moment at Featherstone Lions ARLFC’s ground on Wakefield Road (A645).    

The cortege will slow again as it passes through Featherstone and near to where Rob played junior rugby. The cars will then continue along Pontefract Lane towards the crematorium. At that point members of the public are asked to “leave this part of the journey so the Burrow family can have a few moments to themselves before arriving at the crematorium.”